Huawei's R&D investment ranking rose to the world's second beyond Apple, Microsoft, Intel

Asian Tech Press (Dec 23) -- The EU 2021 industrial R&D scoreboard (ScoreBoad 2021) was announced, and Huawei is the only Chinese company in the top 10 in terms of companies.

Huawei's 2020 R&D investment reached 17.46 billion euros. This figure is less than the 141.8 billion yuan of R&D expenditure announced in Huawei's 2020 annual report.

Huawei's ranking rose one place from last year and six from the 2016 list.

Among the TOP 10, Google's parent company Alphabet was listed first, with an R&D investment of 22.47 billion euros. 3 to 10 were Microsoft, Samsung, Apple, Facebook, Volkswagen, Roche Pharmaceuticals, Intel, and Johnson & Johnson.

Swiss Novartis and Japan's Toyota, which had been among the top 10 in the 2016 list, are out of the TOP 10 in 2021.

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