Li Zhenguo of Longi Green Energy: Beware of the vicious competition that may arise due to business difficulties in this round of industry cycle
Li Zhenguo, founder and president of Longi Green Energy, said at the China Solar Storage Original Technology Forum held today that we should be vigilant against the vicious competition that may arise in this round of photovoltaic industry cycle due to business difficulties. Reporters learned on the spot that Li Zhenguo said: "We must contribute wisdom and strength to enterprises and the photovoltaic industry through the cycle through independent innovation and original technology, rather than setting obstacles to the high-quality development of the photovoltaic industry through commercial purposes'take-it-as-it-is' and'low-quality and low-price', which will tarnish the international image of China's photovoltaic industry and bring irreversible impacts. The more complicated the international situation is today, the more we must shoulder the responsibility and responsibility of enterprises."