Asian Tech Press (Jan 21) -- The chief executive of ASML Holding NV said the company still has not received permission to ship its state-of-the-art lithography systems, which are needed to make advanced computer chips, to mainland China, according to Reuters.
ASML CEO Peter Wennink said China is unlikely to replicate top-tier lithography technology on its own because ASML relies on "relentless innovation," and some components are only available from non-Chinese suppliers.
"I'm not saying it can't because I know the laws of physics are the same in China as they are here," he said. "Never say never. They're bound to try."
ASML, which has a near-monopoly in the lithography market, is not restricted from exporting slightly older technology to mainland China. About $2.2 billion or 16 percent of ASML's sales will come in 2021.
According to the latest financial report, ASML's fourth-quarter revenue was 4.986 billion euros, of which 11 EUV lithography machines were sold, with sales of 1.6 billion euros.
ASML's revenue was €18.6 billion for the full year, with 42 EUV lithography machines sold, accounting for 46% of the €13.6 billion in lithography sales. In addition, ASML received orders for €26.2 billion in 2021, increasing more than 200% year-over-year.