Trina Solar signs supply agreements with several dealers in Pakistan

Asia Tech Wire (May 21) -- Chinese solar panel maker Trina Solar disclosed on Tuesday that it has recently signed memorandums of understanding (MOUs) with a number of leading local distributors in Pakistan.

Under the agreements, Trina Solar will supply 200MW, 200MW and 120MW of its industry-leading Vertex N modules to Mesol, Diwan International and Zi Solar, respectively, for a variety of scenarios, including commercial and industrial.

As Trina Solar expands its overseas footprint, the U.S. Department of Commerce announced last week that it is launching anti-dumping and countervailing investigations into imports of crystalline silicon PV cells, whether or not assembled into modules, from Cambodia, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam.

In response, Trina Solar said the impact of the U.S. investigations on the company would depend on subsequent events.

The company said it has capacity projects under construction or in reserve in the U.S., Indonesia and the United Arab Emirates, having a certain degree of anti-risk ability.

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