Toyota's Septemberg lobal sales fall 16.4%, first drop in over 13 months

Asian Tech Press (Oct 28) -- Japanese automaker Toyota Motor Corp sold about 700,000 vehicles worldwide in September, down 16.4%t year-on-year and it is the first decline in over nearly a year.

Toyota released on Thursday its sales, production and export results in September 2021, showing its September global sales fell 16.4% from the same month the previous year to 700,122 units. And it was the first drop in 13 months since August 2020.

It has been affected by parts supply shortages in Southeast Asia, and vehicle sales have continued to be affected by production cuts since August.

The company's global production decreased by 39.1% to 512,765 units in September, lower for two consecutive months than the actual level in the same month of the previous year.

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