Texas sues Pfizer for misrepresenting COVID-19 Vac­cine effi­ca­cy

National Business Wire (Dec 1) -- The U.S. state of Texas sued Pfizer Inc. on Thursday, accusing the company of misrepresenting the effi­ca­cy of its COVID-19 vaccine.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton accused Pfizer of using misleading statistics to promote its COVID-19 vaccine and trying to "intimidate" anyone who questioned the product.

He asked state district court in Lubbock County to impose a fine of more than $10 million, and to prevent Pfizer from silencing "truthful speech" about the efficacy of its COVID-19 vaccine.

Paxton's concerns center on Pfizer's claim in 2020 that its COVID-19 vaccine was 95% effective, "which created "the impression that Pfizer's vaccine would end the coronavirus pandemic and lift the omnipresent veil of fear and uncertainty from an anxious public."

A Pfizer spokesperson said in a statement that the company has "no higher priority than the safety and effectiveness of its treatments and vaccines,"

"The representations made by the company about its COVID-19 vaccine have been accurate and science-based," the person emphasized.

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