Sony buys AT&T's anime business Crunchyroll for $1.175 billion

Japan's Sony Corp. has reportedly completed the acquisition of Crunchyroll, AT&T's anime business.

Last year, Sony officially announced the acquisition of Crunchyroll, an anime content distribution company that will be integrated into Sony's anime streaming business "Funimation" for unified management and operation.

At the time, Tony Vinciquerra, chairman and CEO of Sony Pictures Entertainment, said that the reason for integrating Crunchyroll with Sony's anime business was that the company wanted to launch a unified anime streaming membership service in the future.

As for the proceeds of the asset transfer, AT&T plans to use them to reduce the size of the company's debt. Previously, AT&T had spent tens of billions of dollars to acquire film and media assets, leading to a high level of debt. AT&T is gradually selling off its film and media content assets to focus on its core communications business.

Previously, Sony was already pushing into the anime streaming business, and the Crunchyroll assets could enhance the breadth and competitiveness of that business.

With the addition of Crunchyroll, Sony has an unprecedented opportunity to serve anime fans better. Sony will provide anime content services on various platforms of fans' choice, including cinemas, live events, homes, online games, streaming media, and traditional TV channels. Fans can watch anime content anytime and from any location.

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