Qualcomm agrees chip supply deals with Volvo, Honda and Renault

Asian Tech Press (Jan 5) -- Qualcomm announced on Tuesday chip supply agreements with car makers Volvo Group, Honda Motor Co Ltd and Groupe Renault, accelerating its drive to work with traditional car companies on their digital product lines.

Known for its mobile phone chips, Qualcomn has developed a range of automotive products, including self-driving car brains to chips that operate digital dashboards and infotainment systems.

At the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas, Qualcomm said it had reached agreements with Geely-backed brands Volvo and Polestar to use Qualcomm's "Snapdragon Cockpit" chips and Google's operating system in cars starting later this year.

In addition, Japan's Honda Motor will use Qualcomm's "Cockpit" chip in vehicles that will hit the road in 2023. Qualcomm also said that French automaker Renault has also agreed to use its automotive technology, but did not disclose exactly which chips or when vehicles using them would arrive.

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