NetEase to set up Hainan headquarters in Sanya and build a Metaverse base

Asian Tech Press (Dec 27) -- NetEase and Sanya city of government signed a strategic cooperation agreement. NetEase will set up NetEase Hainan headquarters in Sanya city and build the NetEase Metaverse Industrial Base project.

The base aims to promote the high-quality development of Hainan's digital creative industry and will be built into an international digital new creative center integrating Internet technology development, digital content production, digital copyright operation and digital product output.

In addition, the two parties will also deepen cooperation in interactive entertainment, e-sports, music culture, live e-commerce, online education and other fields.

It is understood that NetEase will participate in Hainan international e-sports island, Sanya e-commerce supply chain, as well as the "KOL" economy and live e-commerce construction, and to create "music to light up the city" and other popular cultural projects.

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