LG Electronics is planning to develop automotive MCUs

Asian Tech Press (Dec 01) -- According to media reports, in response to the automotive market where production has been disrupted by a shortage of semiconductor supply, LG Electronics will enter the field and conduct research and development of MCUs, the first time LG Electronics has developed semiconductors for automobiles.

It is reported that LG Electronics is in contact with a semiconductor design company to manufacture its own MCU, while its CTO department is recruiting semiconductor professionals such as digital logic design and system-on-chip (SoC), all in fields related to MCU, to build a solid foundation for subsequent development and production.

LG Electronics MCUs are specialized processors that control specific systems and are also used to control various electronic components in automobiles. It is expected to produce its MCU products within one to two years at the earliest. A company spokesperson said, "The company is discussing the internalization of semiconductors for automobiles, but specific plans have not yet been determined."

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