Japan to launch new initiative to promote L4 autonomous driving by 2025

Asian Tech Press (SEP 08) -- Japan is launching a new initiative to accelerate the development of self-driving technology to expand the use of self-driving cars in more than 40 locations across the country by 2025.

Called "Road to L4," the project aims to popularize advanced technologies such as driverless Level 4 (L4), which allows vehicles to operate without a human driver. The project will include technology demonstrations to promote acceptance and understanding, according to Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. One of the goals is to help rejuvenate communities in the increasingly aging Japan.

People in rural areas, including the elderly, have no way to get around," said Tatsuki Izawa, assistant manager of Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry's autonomous driving division. "If self-driving buses with circular routes are available, they can go shopping and outings."

The Japanese government has allocated about 6 billion yen ($55 million) in the current fiscal year to develop autonomous driving services, including the L4 project, which comes when many elderly Japanese have given up driving. According to the Japan Police Agency, nearly 300,000 people aged 75 and older returned their driver's licenses in 2020.

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