Huawei to release all-new operating system openEuler
Image from Huawei

Asian Tech Press (Sep 23) -- U.S.-blacklisted Chinese telecom giant Huawei Technologies Co., announced that it will release an all-new operating system openEuler this Saturday.

It is reported that Euler, originally a Huawei enterprise-oriented, server-oriented operating system EulerOS. And it was officially open-sourced in Gitee in January 2020, and renamed openEuler.

The open-source operating system is mainly for universal server architecture platforms at the enterprise level, based on the stable Linux kernel, supporting Huawei's Kunpeng processors and container virtualization technology, and applied to Huawei's cloud services and device servers.

In Huawei's planning, the goal of the Euler system is to build an innovative platform through community cooperation, building openEuler, a unified and open operating system that supports multi-processor architecture, and promoting the prosperous development of the software and hardware ecology.

All along, Huawei, which attaches importance to R&D, has been investing in operating systems and other fields to build the bottom layer of the ecology. And Euler is also regarded as another shadow card of Huawei outside of HarmonyOS.

And Euler team is a more mysterious organization within Huawei. The tech giant has internally set up the Euler department, with professional talents to develop and operate commercial marketing of the Euler operating system.

It is understood that, although the Euler system is previously low-profile, its application scale and prospects are still relatively large. Tens of thousands of state-owned, private and other large-scale enterprises in China are partners of Huawei's openEuler operating system.

Ren Zhengfei, founder and president of Huawei, has said that Euler is taking great strides forward and that Euler is positioned as an operating system and ecological base targeting the national digital infrastructure, undertaking the historical mission of supporting the construction of a leading, reliable and secure digital foundation. And it is a difficult proposition to be oriented to both servers and communication and real-time operating systems.

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