Hanford Mayor says Faraday Future is an exciting company during her FF tour
John Lehn, Director of Government Affairs at FF, shook hands with Hanford Mayor Diane Sharp (right) at the factory.

Asian Tech Press (Jan 20) -- California-based EV maker Faraday Future Intelligent Electric Inc (FFIE: NASDAQ GM), commonly known as FF, announced on Wednesday that it recently hosted new Hanford Mayor at its local manufacturing plant, signaling once again that production of long-awaited FF 91 is on track for this summer.

Newly elected Hanford Mayor Diane Sharp toured the FF facility in the Central Valley of California and got a first-hand look at the plant's current and future progress updates for launch of the company's flagship luxury electric vehicle FF 91 in summer 2022.

"It is great to see so many people at Faraday Future's Hanford plant working to bring the plant to full production," she said.

Sharp continued, "Faraday Future is an exciting company. I am thrilled with the investment that is being made in our community, and am honored to have been invited to tour their very impressive facility."

"Hosting Mayor Diane Sharp at our facility was a great honor, especially with the launch of the FF 91 this summer," said Matt Tall, Vice President of Manufacturing at Faraday Future. "We are working to make the city of Hanford proud to have FF here and look forward to welcoming our city officials back to our plant on a regular basis."

About two months ago, the company said it expects to be on track for mass production and high-quality delivery of the flagship electric vehicle FF 91 in July 2022.

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