Google to open third-party app payments to comply with S. Korean regulations

Asian Tech Press (Nov 04) -- According to media reports, Google stated that it will comply with the regulations proposed by the amendment to the Telecommunications Business Act in Korea to open up third-party payment systems in Korea. This is the first time that Google has modified its payment policy for a specific country.

The amendment to South Korea's Telecommunications Business Act, known as the "anti-Google law," passed parliament in late August, prohibiting large app store operators such as Google and Apple from forcing developers to use their payment systems. The Korea Communications Commission (KCC) requires the U.S. tech giant to have a compliance plan when the new law takes effect in September.

Google said in a statement: "We respect the decision of the National Assembly, and we are sharing some changes to respond to this new law, including giving developers that sell in-app digital goods and services the option to add an alternative in-app billing system alongside Google Play's billing system for their users in South Korea."

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