Chip packager ASE mulls layout of advanced packaging capacity in Japan, Mexico, Malaysia

Asia Tech Wire (June 26) -- Taiwan-based chip packager ASE Technology Holding Co is considering building advanced packaging capacity in Japan, Mexico and Malaysia.

After a shareholders' meeting on Wednesday, ASE Chief Operating Officer Tien Wu said that the company is now actively working on the layout of its overseas operations to respond to the needs and changes in the global semiconductor industry.

According to Wu, in terms of advanced packaging layout, ASE does not rule out going to Japan, Mexico and Malaysia to build advanced packaging plants.

He foretold that on July 12, ASE will host a ribbon-cutting ceremony at its plant in the U.S. state of California, when many industry leaders will participate.

In addition, Wu said, although there has been a packaging plant in Yamagata Prefecture, Japan, for possible construction of advanced packaging capacity in the country in the future, the company is now actively evaluating a larger operating base than the original plant in Yamagata.

Meanwhile, the location of the plant is still subject to the movement of future advanced packaging customers in Japan, he added.

Universal Scientific Industrial (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., commonly known as USI, an ASE subsidiary, already has a plant in Mexico.

Wu disclosed that ASE has bought another piece of land adjacent to the Mexico plant, and intends to use it to build a complete production capacity for chip packaging and testing in the future depending on changes in the market and customer demand, while not ruling out the possibility of further building advanced packaging capacity here as well.

The executive also pointed out that the company's expansion of production in Malaysia is now going smoothly, and the local supply chain is gradually becoming more complete.

As to whether the company will build advanced packaging capacity in Malaysia in the future, he said the company has a great interest and is actively evaluating the matter.

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