Chinese online platforms promise not to use big data for price discrimination, including Alibaba, DiDi, and Meituan

Recently, 10 Chinese online platform companies pledged in a government executive meeting not to use big data for price discrimination, including Alibaba, DiDi, and Meituan.

Guangzhou government held an executive meeting on specialized research on the issue of online platforms using big data for price discrimination” and how to regulate the market for fair competition.

Representatives of 10 Chinese Internet platform enterprises attended the meeting, including online shopping platforms like Vipshop,, takeaway food app Meituan and, fresh food platforms MissFresh and Alibaba’s Hema Fresh, and tourism services Group and Qunar, ride-hailing platform ON TIME, and Didi.

Those representatives briefed on the use and management of user data and signed a commitment, promising not to illegally collect and use consumers’ personal information, not to take advantage of data for price discrimination, as well as not to sell counterfeit and shoddy goods, etc.

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