Chinese film, TV firms and associations warn short video platforms

More than 70 Chinese film and television show makers and associations said they would take "necessary legal action" against short video platform operators for unauthorised use of their content, a state-run newspaper reported on Friday.

The group, which includes video streaming platforms iQIYI (IQ.O), Tencent Video and Alibaba's (9988.HK) Youku, jointly issued a statement urging short video platforms and short video producers to seek authorisation before using any content, the Securities Times reported.

Short video platforms and producers have edited and promoted content without seeking authorisation, the statement said, calling on them to "enhance the awareness of copyright protection".

Popular short video operators in China include Kuaishou (1024.HK) and ByteDance-owned Douyin, the Chinese version of TikTok. Hundreds of millions of Chinese users watch short videos, live streams and shop on the two apps.

Kuaishou and ByteDance did not respond to requests for immediate comment.


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