China's Tencent Music to launch virtual music carnival, first step into metaverse
(Image source: QQ Music)

Asian Tech Press (Dec 24) -- Tencent Music Entertainment Group (NYSE:TME), the music streaming arm of Tencent Holdings Ltd (700: Hong Kong), announced Friday that it will formally launch China's first virtual music carnival TMELAND as its first step into the metaverse.

The company has put up reservation pages on its music platforms such as QQ Music and Kugou Music. From December 31, users can enter TMELAND through these platforms and spend the first virtual New Year's Eve music festival with the world's top 100 DJs Vicetone, Luminn and other famous musicians.

And users can create a personal exclusive virtual image, as well as digital scenarios such as virtual live streaming and virtual concerts. And in view of the official launch and product form, the move can be seen as the first step of Tencent Music's entry into the metaverse industry.

Tencent Music said that in the future, TMELAND will also realize functions such as creating exclusive digital islands and free layout of landscapes, and will provide musicians with creative tools, growth resources and incubation programs in the virtual music world.

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