China's Foreign Ministry spoksman says U.S. is unreliable
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The U.S. will further restrict American companies from supplying Huawei with products, because those can be used in 5G equipment. For this, Zhao Lijian, the spokesman for China’s Foreign Ministry, says the facts have repeatedly shown that the United States is an unreliable and untrustworthy country.

Zhao said America harm not only the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese enterprises, but also the interests of enterprises in the U.S. and other countries. It will seriously interfere with the normal scientific and technological exchanges and trade between the two countries and the world. And it will cause damage to the global industrial chain and supply chain.

Zhao expressed that the U.S. should immediately stop its unreasonable suppression on Chinese companies, treating Chinese companies in a fair and equal, non-discriminatory manner. And the U.S. should do more to improve U.S.-China science and technology exchanges and economic and trade cooperation.

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