China launches cybersecurity review of newly U.S.-listed Chinese tech companies
Image by Tumisu from Pixabay

Asian Tech Press -- China has recently launched cybersecurity reviews of newly U.S.-listed Chinese tech companies, including Didi Chuxing.

On Monday morning, after Didi, China's State Internet Information Office (SIIO) announced to launch cybersecurity reviews of three apps Yunmanman, Huochebang, and Boss Zhipin. It's another review announcement following the one issued last Friday on Didi.

The announcement involves two recently U.S.-listed Chinese technology companies. One is Full Truck Alliance Co., an Uber-like trucking company. It was established by Yunmanman and Huochebang, China's two biggest apps for truck services.

In November 2017, Yunmanman and Huochebang merged to establish Full Truck Alliance Co., and it was listed on the main board of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) on June 23, 2021.

Another is the leading Chinese online recruitment platform Kanzhun Ltd., known as Boss Zhipin, and it was listed on the NASDAQ on June 11.

Didi, the company involved in last Friday's announcement, was officially listed on the NYSE on June 30, EST.

The two recent announcements require the companies involved to stop new user registration for the relevant app and cooperate with the Cybersecurity Review Office's investigation.

on July 4, the SIIO issued a notice on its official website, asking App stores to drop Didi's app due to its serious violations of the collection of personal information.

According to China's Cybersecurity Review Measures, the cybersecurity review is normally completed within 45 working days, and will be extended by 15 working days in complicated cases.

It also means that several software involved will suspend new user registration for at least 45 business days.

It is worth noting that the laws and regulations on which the notices are based are the National Security Law of the People's Republic of China and the Cybersecurity Law of the People's Republic of China, as well as the Cybersecurity Review Measures.

In other words, several U.S.-listed companies under review are suspected of violating national security and cybersecurity. Their listing in the U.S. has raised the country's concern about national security, which arises from several technology companies' possession of personal information of Chinese citizens and the country's road information.

Official opinion questions whether data related to national security and cybersecurity will be handed over to the U.S. after these tech companies go public in the U.S. If so, China would face great danger from the United States. Such worries and concerns are increasing amid ongoing tensions between the U.S. and China.

The two announcements emphasize that the purpose of the review is to prevent national data security risks, safeguard national security and protect the public interest. Thus, the cybersecurity review is particularly necessary for the Chinese government at this time.

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