Battlegrounds Mobile India exceeds 50 million downloads

According to Korean game developer Krafton, the Indian version of its mobile game PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds (PUBG) has surpassed 50 million downloads on Google Play in less than two months after debuting in India.

Krafton launched Battlegrounds Mobile India in the Indian market on July 2. The game has already accumulated more than 34 million users within a week of its official launch, with the highest number of simultaneous online users exceeding 2.4 million.

The company is also organizing eSports tournaments in India to expand the number of local users. With a total prize pool of 10 million rupees, it attracted more than 540,000 people to participate in the preliminary round.

Krafton has recently increased its penetration into the Indian market. In July this year, the company invested $45 million in the Indian web novel platform Pratilipi.

Since the beginning of this year, Krafton has invested $70 million in Indian IT companies, including Indian e-sports company NODWIN Gaming and Indian live gaming platform Loco.

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